Snow On the Beach
They asked him, “Teacher, we know that you speak and teach rightly, and
show no partiality, but truly teach the way of God.”
Luke 20:21
Today it is snowing on the beach.
The flakes are the big and sticky type.
It is very strange to be standing on the beach with it snowing. It doesn’t seem normal and it isn’t for
this region--- an occurrence about every ten years. Snow looks different when in is out of place. Your mind has trouble registering that
it is actually snow, but it is still fluffy, wet, sticks to your eyelashes and
beautifully formed crystals, Gods’ work of art --- even on the beach!
As Christians many times we may
feel out of place. We may consider
ourselves to be an outsider in our surroundings that makes us feeling strange
and not normal. Jesus may times
found himself in unfamiliar places. People casted Him as different and not
normal for what they envision the Messiah to be. But He continued to meld among the forbidden people of
society---- the beggars, prostitutes, diseased, and sinful people of the
world. He knew the outcast of
society were to be loved just like any other human beings because they were
created by God too.
Just like snow on the beach, we
as Christians are placed in environments where we in a situation that is
uncomfortable or we feel of place and not a normal situation. Jesus calls us to
reach out of our realm and discover the beautiful formed crystals of God’s work
on the beach of life.
Dear God of Wonder
We thank you even when it snows in out of the realm places. Please open our hearts to accept the
forbidden people of this world and see the crystal beauty of each person that
you have created. Guide us to be
comfortable in uncomfortable and help us to be normal in the abnormal
situations of life.
You are the great Creator and Lord of All.
Amen. TOTT
for today: Ask the question what is my “out of place” zone? Identify how you can reach out to open
your heart and see the beauty in another person, place or the uncomfortable situation.
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