Thursday, February 20, 2014



Proverbs 4:14
“Do not set foot on the path of the wicked…”

Bubba is legendary alligator on Kiawah Island, the sister island next to Seabrook.  He is about 12 feet long and waddles greatly when he moves.  There are many folklore stories regarding Bubba. Some say he ate a small man, and others say it was just a dog. Whatever the legends are, he is very intimidating particularly to the golfers on the course who avoid him at all cost. I had the privilege to experience him too. One afternoon as I rode along in the golf cart, my friend Florence called out: “ There he is” I had to take a double look because I thought it was a log resting on the bank of the 16th hole but no it wasn’t a log resting, it was Bubba sprawled right smack in front of the hole.  How daunting!  It was like he was the keeper of the hole and you better not approach it because it was all his.

Whether or not Bubba is wicked or mainly harmless with an intimidating look, he rules any pathway on the golf course. Just as in our daily living, God wants you to use your wisdom and as the scripture in Proverbs suggests choosing a new path when evil or harm arises and “turn from it and go on your way.”   God’s grace and wisdom will continue to guide you through times of intimidation or even a tumultuous pathway.

Bubba will continue to add to his notorious legend and be the great intimidator.  As you walk the pathway of life, choose a trail that leads you away from harm and intimidating times of fears, doubts and uncertainty instead choosing a path that turns you towards our gracious Lord.
Loving Father,
Protect us and give us wisdom to choose the correct pathway for our lives. Help us stand up to those intimidating moments.
Commitment for Today: Examine your life pathway, are there harmful and intimidating objects in your way? Today is the day to rid your life of them.

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