Alone on the Beach
Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit? To be out of your
Sight? If I climb to the sky, you are there! If I go under ground, you are
there! If I flew on morning’s wings to the far western horizon, you’d find me
in a minute--- you’re already there waiting!
139: 7-10
Today my walk is unusual. The sky is a beautiful
azure blue color; the air is crisp like a Chicago October day; and the ocean
laps gently on the shore as it sparkles brilliantly. I walk the entire 3 miles walk and don’t see a soul. There are no shells or sand dollars to
be found as they are all covered by sand.
It is in between high and low tide. The shore birds are absent and even the dolphins aren’t
offering their daily show. I
realize I am alone! I look around
and soak in the splendid beauty of the silence. No, sh… listen, in this silence
I hear God. Suddenly I feel warm
inside---maybe it is because I over dressed for the walk or could it be God
warming my soul. It is a
magnificent feeling!
So how does God warm your soul? May times we forget that in silence God
speaks. Just listen
carefully. Just as the words
in the song declare Here I am Lord, Is it
I, Lord I have heard you calling in the Night (Day) I will go Lord if you lead
me I will hold your people in my heart.
Take the time daily to find God in silence. I ensure
you it will be the most unusual walk you can take. TOTT
Dear Lord,
Help me to find my silence
so that I can have you warm my soul.
I surrender to you as I hear you calling to me. I will hold you in my heart. Amen
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