Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Abandoned Shrimp Boat

The Abandoned Shrimp Boat
Colossians 1:20-22
And through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross…

This writing was written several years ago when I first came to Seabrook Island on vacation.
Across Seabrook Island, there is an abandoned shrimp boat that is wrecked on the shoreline where the Edisto River meets the Atlantic Ocean.  It has been there many years and every time I go back to my favorite vacation spot, it captures my imagination.  Why is she there? Was the vessel wrecked due to a violent storm or unfortunate seafaring of the captain? Who abandoned her and doesn’t someone care about the craft? Surely the boat is worth something to some one. But no, there she continues to rest on the shore embedded in the sand and sea shells with the sea grass waving around her--- her mast tilled and bow point out to sea. No one seems to claim the vessel and every day many shrimp boats chug by her going out to sea to make their daily catch and back in to the shrimp stations to drop off their catch.

How many times in our lives have we abandoned someone that once meant or was of importance to us?  Did we leave that someone stuck in the sand because we couldn’t figure out how to dig out of the hurt because it was too deeply embedded in our existence? Maybe it was a relationship gone a wry and we just couldn’t rise above our pride to fix it. Or maybe it was so hurtful and the damage so severe that in our minds it just couldn’t be repaired. We just continued are daily habits of going out to sea in our every day routine bypassing the problem

God demands us to be a people of reconciliation. It is through the resurrection of Jesus we are a forgiven people but only if we seek and ask for our forgiveness. Our challenge is not only to ask God for forgiveness, but also to be reconciled with those we have hurt or abandoned. This is God’s Grace!

That abandoned shrimp boat will always hold my imagination as long as she is stuck in the shore.  I would love to know her story and I will continue to wonder why she was left and will she ever be reconciled with her crew.

Our Loving Father,
It is so easy for us to just abandon relationships in our lives because it is too difficult to find the courage, strength or to let go of our pride so it can be repaired. We allow “stuff” get in our way preventing us to love relationships not just things.  Please place in our hearts your desire of reconciliation.  Mend our hearts and lead us to your way. Amen


Commitment for today: Reach and reconcile with someone that you may have hurt or abandoned due to your pride. Pray for forgiveness.

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