Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day! Today I start my "Waters of my Soul" blog on a very special day, not only is it a day of love, but a day of three generations of birthdays in my family.  My mother Frances, my sister Mary Frances and my niece, Rachel all have a Valentine birthday. Each of them are Aquarius just as I am---the water bearer. Maybe this heavenly influence is why I have always loved and lived close to  water.

My childhood was spent on a farm in Rush County Indiana where the Little Flat River ran through the land creating a wonderful escape for me to walk along the bank with my Collies seeking solace and a understanding of who I was, strengthening my inner being. I spent many sunny days walking along the banks embracing the world surrounding  me. It was a surreal experience to grow up always able to be by the river.  Unfortunately this enjoyment was brought to a grievous end when my father passed away when I was thirteen. And so did the "Waters of the Little Flat Rock."

The continuation  to live by various body waters persisted throughout my life---Lake Freeman, Du Page River, May Watts pond,  and now the Atlantic Ocean on Seabrook Island SC. Even our dog Moses, was born between the mighty Mississippi River and the Illinois River thus he's pedigree name Moses of the Mighty Waters.

My husband David has learned to love the water as much as I do. He knows the strength I gather on trail walks, sitting by the water edge and of course  all of the special beach walks we have taken. When he asked me to marry him, he took me back to my cherished Flat Rock River and proposed to me while sitting by the river. Thirty-five later I still carry with me the freshness of that very special day.

One of the holiest events of my life was when I was baptized by submersion at the age of twelve. I still remember the warm feeling as I accepted the Holy Spirit into my soul. This brings me to the reason I have created this blog. In the coming days I will be posting many of my Christian writings which will reflect my journey through the shedding the water of tears due to sadness, grieve, loneliness, illness as well as tears of  celebration, laughter and joy. In addition, I will post my daughter's journal as she writes her thoughts of the struggles of being a micro preemie and  her desolate days of fighting through  kidney cancer at the tender age of twenty-three. It is my hope you may connect with some of my thoughts as you flow through "The Waters of My Soul."  TOTT


  1. Welcome to my blog. I will be posting my Christian writings on this site in the coming days. The writings are inspired by my personal experiences on Seabrook Island South Carolina. I pray that they may stir your soul!

  2. Thank you for the beautiful and uplifting words. You are an inspiration to so many people.
