Wednesday, October 1, 2014

As my daughter celebrates her 30th Birthday and Emerson and Laura their 5th Anniversary, I wish them happiness, peace and love forever!

As my daughter Laura celebrates her 30th Birthday and Emerson and Laura their 5th Wedding Anniversary, I wish them happiness, peace and love forever!

I Just Want to Hold Your Hand One More Time
                       You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
                                                               Psalm 139:13
It was the night before David and I were returning to Seabrook Island SC for a long weekend and I had retired to bed with a spring storm stirring in the area ---- the lightning was eerie and bright and the thunder booming every split second.  A soft knock came on my door and a sweet but scared voice that I had heard so many times spoke: “Mom can I come in and lay in bed with you?”  Laura never liked storms and so many times in her twenty- five years, she would end up in my room to ride the storm out and this night was no exception.  Laura and I lay there and I held her hand reassuring her that this storm will quickly pass, we didn’t say much to each other as our hands and hearts did all the talking.  As I lay there I began thinking about all the times I had held her hand, beginning in the hospital, holding micro tiny premature hands with tiny spaghetti like fingers that barely wrapped around my little finger. I thought about all the other storms and joys of her life: struggling with her academics in high school but making dean’s list at Purdue, not making volleyball team but making the tennis team, disagreements with friends but making new friends while at Purdue and of course the broken romances that brought so many tears.  I also reflected on the long nights when she was diagnosed with kidney cancer and the recovery after surgery how she clung to my hand for strength and support.  Little did she realize she was the very one I was clinging to for my strength and support.

As a mother God gave me the most special gift of all--- giving birth to a child that I loved, protected and gave her the gift of development and maturity.  I had to trust that God formed her very being from the beginning. He knows her path and will guide and direct her through out her adult life.  It was and (is) my job and responsibility to be obedient to God in unfolding this special human being her not only holding her hand but also her heart too.

As the storm quickly passed, Laura let go of my hand and as she did, it occurred to me that I may never have to hold her hand again through a thunderstorm because in a short while she will be married and Emerson will be the one to hold her hand through the all the storms of her life.  As a tiny teardrop formed in my eye, and I lay there absorbing this moment--- I realized that my very hope is that Emerson will not only hold her hand but also her heart forever. TOTT
May 14, 2009

May God bless you and keep you safe. May the ocean of life always be calm and may you always believe in miracles even the small one. Amen

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God.


                                                          God Speaks Loudly
Psalms 46:10
Be Still and Know that I am God
This is a rainy, foggy and cool day, but must I live up to my promise that no matter what I will walk the beach every day.  This day will be no exception.  For some reason walking the beach in the fog, cold and mist is very different than walking in the fog, cold and mist in Midwest, here I don’t seem to mind it.  Today I reflect on the fact that I am hearing God speak to me loudly but what is He saying, do I hear it correctly? What in the world does He want me to do with His Word? Confusion, turmoil, restlessness and questions without answers abide in my soul.  How do I restore my soul? How do I soothe my anxiety? How do I begin to search for the answers?  How do I maintain my health? I want answers and I want answers right now! Wow this day has brought out so much in my being.  Is this the cleansing of my soul? Where do I begin my new journey?

Throughout the Old Testament, God spoke clearly to His followers but not without sending them out into the wilderness to search for the answers and to purify their souls.  Moses was sent wandering in the wilderness, Abraham faith was tested, Jonah had to live in big fish and Noah had to float in a Huge boat with many animals for many days!  God spoke loudly to these men and expected them to “Be Still” and know He was God.

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God. Did you pray before the decision was made or listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to you? I believe that God speaks through His people not only in ancient times but He speaks loudly today. A person may be placed in your life revealing to you the answer your have been seeking or in silence and prayer the clear answer may come to you. All you must do is to be still and listen--- Are you listening?

This rainy day walk was exactly what I required to see clearly and hear what God wants me to do.  Who would have imagined that God would use a rainy foggy and cold day for me to see more clearly? TOTT

Prayer: Lord may I plant my life in Thee so deeply and firmly that whatever changes life brings, my life can continue uninterrupted, strong, bearing fruit for You. May every decision and hope find its growth in Thee. 
 (Daily Family Devotions *)
 Copy write by daily family org.

Commitment for today: Pray and quietly listen for God’s response. It will come to you; Trust Him.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The ocean is a constant occurrence of high tides, low tides --- much like life itself.

The Ocean

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I send you greetings from Seabrook Island, South Carolina where I am blessed to live.  This is one of my favorite places on earth where the ocean is constantly glittering like diamonds afloat and the dolphins gleefully glide through the surf playing the game “Where will I surface next!” The Sea Gulls laugh out loud providing entertaining music from the air and the Pelican formations are a sight to be seen as they gracefully soar over the waves. One can't over look the fascinating Skimmers as they glide skillfully just over the water for the catch of the day.  As each wave laps in, it forever reconstructs the seascape --- shifting the sand to new formations and bringing in a constant pattern of change. The ocean is a constant occurrence of high tides, low tides --- much like life itself.

Life too, is filled with eddies that create modifications of our very being. We ride the high tides in our life that make us feel like one could walk on water but unfortunately in life we also experience riptides where we literally feel ourselves drowning.  During this time we may feel as if the sand is shifting underfoot or the undercurrent of the water is pulling us swiftly out to sea.  So what do you do when the sand shifts and the undercurrent is sweeping off your feet?

  You worship passionately! First you pray for the Holy Spirit to be your advocate uplifting and guiding you to solid ground. Second, you believe in the Grace of God knowing that He alone is the source of strength that will bring peace and serenity to your soul.  Third, be cognizant of the Grace given to you through accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour. In His death and resurrection you are offered forgiveness of your sins so you may have eternal life. The "Good News" is God loves each unique human being: He loves you no matter what!  TOTT

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord makes his face shine upon you and give you grace.  The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Amen

Commitment for today: Is it time to start seeking the power of the Trinity? Is it time to stop rejecting the promises offer through Christ? If so, act upon it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Laura Krumwiede Scott remembers 1st Lt Joel Gentz on the anniversary of his death.

In remembrance of 1st Lt Joel Gentz
Who served the United States Air Force Proudly

Written by Laura Krumwiede Scott

As Life happens, there are many times that make you say, “Wow I have to be strong and I have to get through this one.” In my life there have been many occurrences that made me grow up. Most of the hard times I held my mother’s hand through it but this particular time I was the one holding a hand to give strength.

My best friend, Kathryn lost her husband in the Afghanistan War only a month after Joel was deployed.  It was such a heartache and so painful to hear that he had died. As soon as I heard I wanted to be with Kathryn and hold her hand to give her strength.  I realized that she was surrounded by people who loved her and people who would comfort her.  My time to be with her would come.

Flying to Indiana for the funeral was surreal trying to realize a friend had been killed and it was Kathryn’s husband. I was anxious as I wondered IF I had the strength to be strong for her through this awful time. I wondered if I would fall apart when I saw her---I didn’t want to do that! I wanted to be strong. I had to be brave as she took me to buy her dress; to make decisions about the funeral; and to sit and talk about all the memories.  I didn’t think about the funeral I just knew I had to remain steady through it for Kathryn. I was very honored to sit next to Kathryn in the front row of her husband’s funeral. She had tons of supportive people around her but she chose me.

I remember sitting in the front row staring at the coffin covered by an American flag and listening to the song that had been sung just two years prior at their wedding. There were no words I could say just simply hold the widow’s hand and so I did.  I held it through the service, the playing of “Taps,” “Amazing Grace” and through the slide show of Joel’s life on earth. I knew my presence wasn’t what she really wanted; she wanted her husband’s hand.

There are many people going through different struggles some big and some small. Regardless of the severity of the problems, people need someone to “hold their hand.” People need to realize that sometimes to get through a situation one must have support.  Seek out friends, family or even counseling to get you through hard times.

Yes, Kathryn has moved on with her life but with much support from family, friends and even strangers as she tries to sort out the death of her husband, trying to understand the senseless of his death. May God bring peace to us all.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TOTT Today: Golden Retrievers and their GOLDEN MOMENTS.

TOTT Today: Golden Retrievers and their GOLDEN MOMENTS.: From Detroit, St Louis, Chicago to Seabrook Island we have experienced those called "Golden Moments."  ...

Golden Retrievers and their GOLDEN MOMENTS.

From Detroit, St Louis, Chicago to Seabrook Island we have experienced those called
"Golden Moments."

                                   A righteous man regards the life of his animal.
                                                            Proverbs 12:10

There is a pounce that shakes the bed; a wet kiss is freely offered; and I am aroused into reality that my lovable eighty-five pound Golden Retriever Moses has issued my wake-up call. He is my happy-go-lucky guy whose fun-loving personality is contagious, as people always want to stop and give him pat or a scratch behind the ear as he leans into their affectionate touch.  This is the personality of a Golden Retriever that I have loved through the years while raising four of them.  As puppies, they are irresistible fluffy rag mops always ready for cuddling and eventually growing into obedient and mellow adult dogs that are faithful to his or her master to the end. Wait a minute, did I say obedient and mellow?  Hold on a minute, what about those moments when their happy–go-lucky persona over rides their thought process? Or when their sassy attitude will torment you to point of just wanting to scream?  These are occasions that I affectionately call “those golden moments.”
     Our present Golden Moses has provided a few moments of his own.  He is a lover boy but frustration can abound when this “Big Guy” acts as if he is a defiant frat boy.  He loves to roll in anything from the sandy beach covering his whole body with sand to the unspeakable animal poops and is proud to wear the scent.  As a puppy his big game was rolling in mud holes in the yard to the point of being incognito. Asserting his happy-go-lucky personality, one day he decided to prove his manly physique by moving the woodpile one by one across the yard. Only problem he forgot to restack the wood. Of course, he continues to provide “golden moments,” as he tries to live up to his frat boy rank.
     I cannot fail to mention the moment of complete frustration when 15 minutes before a Christmas party our Golden decides to run around the yard like a bat out of Hades dashing through the decorated bushes and comes out wearing the Christmas lights. There I stood in my silk party dress and high-heeled shoes trying to decide whether to cry or laugh, I chose the latter.
    Finally, there are poignant  “golden moments” that touch deep into the soul. Such a moment happened with our dog Sunshine. She was my daughter’s so called dog and we got her when Laura was ten years old. At that time Laura asked, “How long will Sunny Live?” I promised she would see her graduate from college and Sunshine did. Laura had a love/hate relationship with her. Sunshine loved to torment her by stealing her clothes and running rings around her or jumping on her as Laura screamed, “Mommy get her off, I don’t like this dog!”  As they both grew older, Sunshine mellowed becoming a constant comfort and loyal buddy to Laura particularly through Laura’s kidney cancer and recovery. Sunny spent her time attentively by my daughter’s side as if this dog knew it was her personal mission to see Laura through this awful period. Sunshine often placed her head on Laura’s lap giving her a smile that only a Golden can offer saying “ Please get well and will you forgive me for all the times I tormented you?” --- a peace offering that quickly makes those “Golden Moments” melt away.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our opportunity to care and to oversee  the beasts and animals of the earth. Our pets bring great joy into our hearts and it is our hope we can care for these wonderful companions  to the best of our ability.

Commitment Today:

If you don't have a dog or cat, donate time, money or energy to a animal shelter.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Little did they know the power and the spunk that this simple bucket-style red hat has just given this elderly woman---it is her symbol.

The Red Hat

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you were ever you go.
Joshua 1: 9

Her knees are so feeble and her hips not squarely fitting her body causing her gait to be slow and even laborious. She knows the challenge it will be to walk down the wooden steps for a beach walk. The undertaking of this walk will cause every muscle and bone in her body to ache as she completes the mission at hand. It is a task that will take much fortitude but she wants so much to stroll the beach one more time. So they flop her “red hat” upon her head for protection from the sun; carefully she places her body into the convertible; and the crew speeds towards the beach.  Little did they know the power and the spunk that this simple bucket-style red hat has just given this elderly woman---it is her symbol.

God is with us where ever we go. He knows your needs and will work in you and through you. He sees our weaknesses and gives reassurance to us to get through the challenge.  He feels our fears and offers to empower us. The God of All will give us strength to climb any mountain, ford any stream or even the task of ambling down the stairs of the boardwalk. There may be obstacles to keep us from clearly seeing the pathway but the Almighty expects us to be strong and of good courage.

The beach walk is accomplished and the old lady returns to the cottage with a smile on her face and the satisfaction that she has walked the beach, stairs and all. She knows where her strength always come from---The Almighty! The woman places her red hat on the hat rack, never again to wear it but leaving it behind as a symbol of determination, true grit, and courage --- This is how my mother has lived her whole life. TOTT

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for my mother. Please bless my mother filling her with your Divine Grace.  I pray for all the mothers in my life asking you to guide and bless them. I praise You for my motherhood.  It is a blessing to be a mother. Amen

Commitment for Today: Mothers are such a blessing, pray for your mother and tell her how much you love her on this special Mother’s Day

Monday, April 28, 2014

I am back with a dog Adventure---Ears Just a Floppin"

                                                       Ross Parry HRPets Best.

Ears Just a Floppin’

Hebrew 11: 1
Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
NIV Bible

His ears were flopping in the gentle wind as the old red pickup truck sped by me. Don’t know if he had been on an adventure or going to one, but it made me laugh to see that big red bloodhound positioned perfectly in the bed of the truck sniffing the marsh air like he was the “Top Dog of the Marsh.” His snout pointed upwards baying at the sky---here I am. He definitely did not have a care in the world just faith that wherever his master was going, he was going too.

We too are on a journey that is directed by our faith.  Faith sometimes is the hardest concept to grasp on to. Where does it come from? How do I see it? How can I have faith going through the misery of life?  As in the scripture suggests with our faith comes hope and the certainty that God will provide our pathway. As Christians we are taught to have faith, as it becomes our passageway to our eternal life. Faith may be blind to the unbeliever, but to the believer it is knowing that Our Master will bring us a peace of mind as we travel the broken road of life.

Just as that ol’ bloodhound had complete trust in his master to get him to his next destination so must we have faith that Our Master will deliver us to our eternal home. Let us grow our faith in God and remember the ultimate sacrifice Jesus gave for us.  And as for that dog in the red pickup truck, I hope his ears are still a floppin’ in the gentle wind. TOTT

O Forgiving and Loving Father,
  We all want to be believers that Faith alone will achieve our finally destination of eternal life.  Our prayer today is one for hope and peace as we continue to try erasing our doubts about our faith. Continue to guide and direct our lives.

Commitment for today: Read the Bible to expand your faith and belief in God and Jesus.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

On Palm Sunday the children sang praises as well as the adults as Jesus rode into town on the donkey colt.

The Toddler Prays

     Proverb 22:6 (RSV)
Train up a child in the way she should go, and when she is old she will not depart from it.
       Matthew 19:14 (RSV)
Jesus said “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

My three-year-old grand daughter, Ainsley loves to pray before eating. Her parents have taught her our family dinner prayer---“God is great…thank him for our food.” As we gather around the table and hold hands, she immediately nods her head and says, “pay pease”, in the way only a toddler can tug at you heart, and we pray. But she has the idea that we must pray throughout the meal. So during the meal she announces, “Pay pease” and we comply. How can the adults deny this child’s act of praying as she is learning about her prayer life?

In Gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs to allow the children to come to Him and in no way hinder them from following Christ and His ways. We as parents and grandparents have a responsibility to our children to see that they seek Jesus even at a young age. Just like my grand daughter’s fascination with praying we must “train up a child in the way she should go.”  How else will they learn how to live a Christian life? Or develop a life filled with praying? I believe Ainsley feels the tugging and power of the Holy Spirit growing within her.

Yes, I am sure at the Easter table this spring, the dinner will be interrupted many times as Miss Ainsley reaches out her precious hands and says “Pay Pease.”  It is my hope and prayer that throughout her life, she will turn to pray not only in blessing the food, but also in time of need, for understanding, and to praise God. 

And may she continue throughout her life to pray over and over. TOTT

Praise God, Oh my soul, for He hath brought me to see another day --- Heavenly Father, help me to live as thy child and to walk in thy ways. Teach me to speak the truth, to shun what is evil and to do what is good. In all my thoughts, words and deeds. May I bear in mind that thou God, sees me.
   Bless my dear parents and all people, pardon my sins and hear my prayer, for Jesus Christ’s sake.

Written by Mrs. N.R. Blay, 1909 (It is said she prayed this prayer over and over)

Commitment for the day: Remember to pray and give thanks for your blessings.

Monday, March 31, 2014

TOTT Today: God gives us strength to pull ourselves out of the...

TOTT Today: God gives us strength to pull ourselves out of the...:                                                                                                                 The Pluff Mud      ...

God gives us strength to pull ourselves out of the “pluff mud" in life. Dedicated to my sister and family as they pull themselves out of the devastation of their house fire.

                                                                    The Pluff Mud


        Psalm 40:1-2

I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the desolate pit. Out of the miry bog and set my feet upon a rock, making my step secure.

Yep, there she went walking lickety-split right through the pluff mud. She had been warned by the locals not to do it, BUT oh no, she didn’t heed the warning.  At first she was only ankle deep in the silky muck but as she wiggled and tried to release her feet she just sank deeper to her knees. She cried out  “Please someone help me! I am sinking into the earth.”  Some suggested to leave her to teach her a lesson; others knew that the high tide was coming in and that offered new problems only leaving her to sink, sink sink…

Our Lord is there at all times to help us when we get stuck in so called in the “pluff mud of life.” He hears our cries in the middle of the night when no one else is there.  He understands our prayers when crisis abounds, He gives us strength to pull ourselves out of the “miry bog of life.” Our weakness is God’s Opportunity to demonstrate to us His Strength, Power and Redemption. He is our rock where we can firmly place our lives on solid ground. The Creator does not promise to always prevent crisis but the promise is He will always be there for guidance through our vulnerability and exposed wounds.

The muck releases her from its grip. Slowly she gathers her strength and leaves the oozy sediment just in the nick of time before the high tide roars in. Her boots---Well, the pluff mud will forever own
Dear Lord,
Please be patient with me as I get stuck in the crises of life. I ask you to guide me and protect me from my vulnerability and expose wounds. Bless me on this day.

* Pluff mud is gooey mud found in marshy areas of the Lowcountry. It contains lots of organic matter and produces its own distinctive aroma. If you step in it up to your knees and pull out your foot, chances are the resulting sound will be similar to “pluff.”

Commitment for Today: Please pray for my sister and family as they try to rebuild their lives after the devastation of losing their home to a fire. Pray for someone who seems to be stuck in the “pluff mud of life" including yourself.          

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The scriptures explain that no man (or woman) knows when the day of our death will happen.

The Man and the Ocean

No man has power to retain the spirit, or authority over the day of death…
Ecclesiastes 8:7
This is the reason we don’t give up.
Our human body is wearing out. But our spirits are getting stronger every day.
2 Corinthians 4:16

The ocean winds called to him every summer. So he packed his beautiful wife and his precious little girls into the ol’ Chevy and off they went to the beach. Oh, but it wasn’t just a vacation it was an adventure filled with historical site visits, practical jokes, games, sand castles, laughter and of course ice cream cones.  Life lessons were learned in the most inconspicuous ways.  The highlights of each day was the early morning beach walks to say “Hello” to the sun and ending the day with a trek to the top of Jockey Ridge Sand Dunes to bid the world a “Goodnight.” It was a serendipitous time filled with wonder and happiness for all.  Grievously the laughter fell silent; the practical jokes subsided; and the vacations ended as the man fell into terminal sleep at very early age. But the yearning for the ocean was deeply imbedded in the heart and soul of the living.

Ecclesiastes and 2 Corinthians speak to the power of death. The scriptures explain that no man (or woman) knows when the day of our death will happen.  Our human power cannot and will not reign over The Almighty’s Power. Even when a person is too young for death, the power of illness and sickness may weaken the worn out body but in Christ we are promise an everlasting life.  Within us, the Spirit will provide solace and understanding as we mourn.  The living will embrace the lessons taught and the love given--- those beliefs will live on.

And so it is with my father who passed away forty-five years ago on this date. The legend of this hard workingman lives on in his town, county, but most importantly among his family. A man whose God-given talents were embodied in his character and was an unpretentious leader practicing much wisdom, integrity and Faith in his everyday living. And oh my, how he loved the ocean and it saddens me that he will never know that I returned to the ocean to live my finals days. Then again, when I look up at the stars and one seems to blink, it just might be he sees my life at the beach and that is just fine with him. TOTT

 Dear Heavenly Father,
On this day I want to thank and  praise You for my father. Even though he was with me such a short time in my life, he taught great life lessons that have inspired me to follow You. Bless my family as we remember a wonderful father, husband and friend.

Commitment for Today: Remember to tell your father that you love him.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

He is “King Of the Wind."--the Gray Stallion.

The Gray Stallion
Jeremiah 10:12-13 (NIV)

But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar; he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth. 
He sends lightning with the rain and brings out the wind from his storehouses.

His nostrils flares, he snorts through his muzzle and powerfully scrapes the dirt. He neighs and whinnies restlessly. He lowers his head and kicks up the dust as he makes a thrashing movement with his hind legs into the air. There is not an ounce of weakness in his body and he almost appears rogue like as he trots around the paddock. It seems as if nothing will spook his confidence. Unexpectedly like a bolt of lightning he begins to gallop the length of the corral not just once but several times. The head of this beautiful beast is held high with his nose pointed to the heavens. His powerful presence is obvious to the other horses in the pasture. Nothing will deter his fortitude. He is “King Of the Wind.”
   The powerful stallion is a visible reminder of God’s supremacy. There is not an ounce of weakness in God. He has the divine power to restore our very being when we are weak.  God offers “His Hand” to rebuild lives and give you strength when your life feels broken. He has the ability to blow the dust out of your life when life seems to be in shambles--- but only if you seek Him.  God can offer a protective shield for you and “bomb proof” your life so you don’t become spooked by what life may bring to your paddock.  It may seem like the wind isn’t at your back, but God has your back. Like the stallion, God may whinny or even snort at you to get your attention. This is your reminder that His might and power surrounds you but only if you allow Him into your pasture of life.
   After several minutes of displaying his power and endurance in his territory of life, the Gray Stallion settles his gait into a deliberate walk. He nickers unassumingly and calmly turns his head and faces the wind. TOTT

Dear God Almighty, 
Please empower me to utilize my ability to rebuild my life where necessary; the strength to blow the dust out of my life that is weighing me down; and empower my spirit to face the wind when it is not at my back.  Throughout this Lenten season I want to let you in my pasture of life. 

Inspired while watching the horses at the Seabrook Island Equestrian Center

Commitment for Today: Use God’s power to rebuild and restore places in your life.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

25 M.P.H.---sometimes we just need to slow down.

25 M.P.H.
Passionate Worship
Psalm 47:7
God is the King over all the earth. Praise Him with a Psalm!

On Seabrook Island the speed limit is 25 M.P.H., and everyone knows that the Island police will ticket at 26 mph. So many people go less than 25 mph, don’t know why but they must do it to make up for the times that they may go over 25 mph.  Being a past Chicago driver, this is a challenge for me to make this adjustment, particularly since I must drive about 2 miles from the entrance of the Island to my place on the Island--- it seems as if it takes FOREVER!  But I have learned to relax and enjoy the scenic drive noticing new things along the way.
   I believe this is what God demands of us--- Slow down --- He wants us to have time to worship Him passionately. The presence of God in our lives gives us refuge and strength when we are experiencing calamity in life.  Through prayer and supplication we are to praise God and place him in the center of our lives.   So ask your self, "Are you ready to slow down?"Or even a better question “Do you have God in the center of your life?”  There are many ways to put God back into the center of your life--- attending church, Bible Studies, daily prayer time, volunteering at local mission out reach and the list goes on. Call your local churches and I am sure they will be happy to assist you in your search.
   During this Lenten season dedicate yourself to slow down to 25 M.P.H. and discover how you can put God in the center of your life once again, maybe even literally slow down your own traveling speed --- both may just save your life. TOTT

I am in such a rush, please help me to slow down and reduce my speed so I can honor and praise your name.  I admit I want to slow down and help me discover new ways to praise you by placing you once again in the center of my life. Amen.

Commitment for today: How are you going to place God in the center of your life. Pray on it today.

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Happy St Patrick's Day


                     A Happy St. Patrick’s Day     



May you always have

A sunbeam to warm you

Good luck to charm you
An a sheltering angel, so
Nothing can harm you
Faithful friends near you
And whenever you pray,
Heaven to hear you.
Old Irish blessing

Commitment for Today: If you are Irish, remember the endurance and hardships your ancestors faced as they came to America. Offer a prayer of thanksgiving.