Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Little did they know the power and the spunk that this simple bucket-style red hat has just given this elderly woman---it is her symbol.

The Red Hat

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you were ever you go.
Joshua 1: 9

Her knees are so feeble and her hips not squarely fitting her body causing her gait to be slow and even laborious. She knows the challenge it will be to walk down the wooden steps for a beach walk. The undertaking of this walk will cause every muscle and bone in her body to ache as she completes the mission at hand. It is a task that will take much fortitude but she wants so much to stroll the beach one more time. So they flop her “red hat” upon her head for protection from the sun; carefully she places her body into the convertible; and the crew speeds towards the beach.  Little did they know the power and the spunk that this simple bucket-style red hat has just given this elderly woman---it is her symbol.

God is with us where ever we go. He knows your needs and will work in you and through you. He sees our weaknesses and gives reassurance to us to get through the challenge.  He feels our fears and offers to empower us. The God of All will give us strength to climb any mountain, ford any stream or even the task of ambling down the stairs of the boardwalk. There may be obstacles to keep us from clearly seeing the pathway but the Almighty expects us to be strong and of good courage.

The beach walk is accomplished and the old lady returns to the cottage with a smile on her face and the satisfaction that she has walked the beach, stairs and all. She knows where her strength always come from---The Almighty! The woman places her red hat on the hat rack, never again to wear it but leaving it behind as a symbol of determination, true grit, and courage --- This is how my mother has lived her whole life. TOTT

Dear Heavenly Father,

I want to thank you for my mother. Please bless my mother filling her with your Divine Grace.  I pray for all the mothers in my life asking you to guide and bless them. I praise You for my motherhood.  It is a blessing to be a mother. Amen

Commitment for Today: Mothers are such a blessing, pray for your mother and tell her how much you love her on this special Mother’s Day

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