Sunday, April 13, 2014

On Palm Sunday the children sang praises as well as the adults as Jesus rode into town on the donkey colt.

The Toddler Prays

     Proverb 22:6 (RSV)
Train up a child in the way she should go, and when she is old she will not depart from it.
       Matthew 19:14 (RSV)
Jesus said “Let the children come to me and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

My three-year-old grand daughter, Ainsley loves to pray before eating. Her parents have taught her our family dinner prayer---“God is great…thank him for our food.” As we gather around the table and hold hands, she immediately nods her head and says, “pay pease”, in the way only a toddler can tug at you heart, and we pray. But she has the idea that we must pray throughout the meal. So during the meal she announces, “Pay pease” and we comply. How can the adults deny this child’s act of praying as she is learning about her prayer life?

In Gospel of Matthew, Jesus instructs to allow the children to come to Him and in no way hinder them from following Christ and His ways. We as parents and grandparents have a responsibility to our children to see that they seek Jesus even at a young age. Just like my grand daughter’s fascination with praying we must “train up a child in the way she should go.”  How else will they learn how to live a Christian life? Or develop a life filled with praying? I believe Ainsley feels the tugging and power of the Holy Spirit growing within her.

Yes, I am sure at the Easter table this spring, the dinner will be interrupted many times as Miss Ainsley reaches out her precious hands and says “Pay Pease.”  It is my hope and prayer that throughout her life, she will turn to pray not only in blessing the food, but also in time of need, for understanding, and to praise God. 

And may she continue throughout her life to pray over and over. TOTT

Praise God, Oh my soul, for He hath brought me to see another day --- Heavenly Father, help me to live as thy child and to walk in thy ways. Teach me to speak the truth, to shun what is evil and to do what is good. In all my thoughts, words and deeds. May I bear in mind that thou God, sees me.
   Bless my dear parents and all people, pardon my sins and hear my prayer, for Jesus Christ’s sake.

Written by Mrs. N.R. Blay, 1909 (It is said she prayed this prayer over and over)

Commitment for the day: Remember to pray and give thanks for your blessings.

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