Tuesday, March 18, 2014

25 M.P.H.---sometimes we just need to slow down.

25 M.P.H.
Passionate Worship
Psalm 47:7
God is the King over all the earth. Praise Him with a Psalm!

On Seabrook Island the speed limit is 25 M.P.H., and everyone knows that the Island police will ticket at 26 mph. So many people go less than 25 mph, don’t know why but they must do it to make up for the times that they may go over 25 mph.  Being a past Chicago driver, this is a challenge for me to make this adjustment, particularly since I must drive about 2 miles from the entrance of the Island to my place on the Island--- it seems as if it takes FOREVER!  But I have learned to relax and enjoy the scenic drive noticing new things along the way.
   I believe this is what God demands of us--- Slow down --- He wants us to have time to worship Him passionately. The presence of God in our lives gives us refuge and strength when we are experiencing calamity in life.  Through prayer and supplication we are to praise God and place him in the center of our lives.   So ask your self, "Are you ready to slow down?"Or even a better question “Do you have God in the center of your life?”  There are many ways to put God back into the center of your life--- attending church, Bible Studies, daily prayer time, volunteering at local mission out reach and the list goes on. Call your local churches and I am sure they will be happy to assist you in your search.
   During this Lenten season dedicate yourself to slow down to 25 M.P.H. and discover how you can put God in the center of your life once again, maybe even literally slow down your own traveling speed --- both may just save your life. TOTT

I am in such a rush, please help me to slow down and reduce my speed so I can honor and praise your name.  I admit I want to slow down and help me discover new ways to praise you by placing you once again in the center of my life. Amen.

Commitment for today: How are you going to place God in the center of your life. Pray on it today.

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