Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Golden Retrievers and their GOLDEN MOMENTS.

From Detroit, St Louis, Chicago to Seabrook Island we have experienced those called
"Golden Moments."

                                   A righteous man regards the life of his animal.
                                                            Proverbs 12:10

There is a pounce that shakes the bed; a wet kiss is freely offered; and I am aroused into reality that my lovable eighty-five pound Golden Retriever Moses has issued my wake-up call. He is my happy-go-lucky guy whose fun-loving personality is contagious, as people always want to stop and give him pat or a scratch behind the ear as he leans into their affectionate touch.  This is the personality of a Golden Retriever that I have loved through the years while raising four of them.  As puppies, they are irresistible fluffy rag mops always ready for cuddling and eventually growing into obedient and mellow adult dogs that are faithful to his or her master to the end. Wait a minute, did I say obedient and mellow?  Hold on a minute, what about those moments when their happy–go-lucky persona over rides their thought process? Or when their sassy attitude will torment you to point of just wanting to scream?  These are occasions that I affectionately call “those golden moments.”
     Our present Golden Moses has provided a few moments of his own.  He is a lover boy but frustration can abound when this “Big Guy” acts as if he is a defiant frat boy.  He loves to roll in anything from the sandy beach covering his whole body with sand to the unspeakable animal poops and is proud to wear the scent.  As a puppy his big game was rolling in mud holes in the yard to the point of being incognito. Asserting his happy-go-lucky personality, one day he decided to prove his manly physique by moving the woodpile one by one across the yard. Only problem he forgot to restack the wood. Of course, he continues to provide “golden moments,” as he tries to live up to his frat boy rank.
     I cannot fail to mention the moment of complete frustration when 15 minutes before a Christmas party our Golden decides to run around the yard like a bat out of Hades dashing through the decorated bushes and comes out wearing the Christmas lights. There I stood in my silk party dress and high-heeled shoes trying to decide whether to cry or laugh, I chose the latter.
    Finally, there are poignant  “golden moments” that touch deep into the soul. Such a moment happened with our dog Sunshine. She was my daughter’s so called dog and we got her when Laura was ten years old. At that time Laura asked, “How long will Sunny Live?” I promised she would see her graduate from college and Sunshine did. Laura had a love/hate relationship with her. Sunshine loved to torment her by stealing her clothes and running rings around her or jumping on her as Laura screamed, “Mommy get her off, I don’t like this dog!”  As they both grew older, Sunshine mellowed becoming a constant comfort and loyal buddy to Laura particularly through Laura’s kidney cancer and recovery. Sunny spent her time attentively by my daughter’s side as if this dog knew it was her personal mission to see Laura through this awful period. Sunshine often placed her head on Laura’s lap giving her a smile that only a Golden can offer saying “ Please get well and will you forgive me for all the times I tormented you?” --- a peace offering that quickly makes those “Golden Moments” melt away.

Heavenly Father,
Thank you for our opportunity to care and to oversee  the beasts and animals of the earth. Our pets bring great joy into our hearts and it is our hope we can care for these wonderful companions  to the best of our ability.

Commitment Today:

If you don't have a dog or cat, donate time, money or energy to a animal shelter.

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