Thursday, December 24, 2015

The B-I-B-L-E

Deuteronomy 11:19
Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home...

The stage is set and the performer jumps onto the first step of the stairs and swishes her flowing dress. Her arms swing forward and back as she breaks into song:
"The B-I-B-L-E yes that is the book for me..."
She giggles and smiles beam from her angelic face because she knows she has Jesus in her heart.
With her spirits soaring, the four year old takes a bow. Mom and Gaga clap and the child jumps off the house steps as the concert ends.

Jesus wants the little children to come to him. They are to be raised with "Jesus in their hearts." It the parents responsibility to expose, to live, and to teach their children the ways of Christ. This song may be simple, but says volumes of the way to raise a child in a Christian life.

My prayer for my grand daughter is  she always seeks the Holy Scriptures. It is such a delight to hear her voice sing and even more satisfying is the fact that first word she learned to spell was Bible!

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Magical Christmas

Luke: 2:1-20 The birth of Jesus My father loved Christmas and made it his passion to make it as magical as he could for my sister and me. The were various ways he sprinkled wonderment on our Christmas. The first one I remember was sleigh tracks through our yard. As we awoke, he exclaimed, "Look Santa's sleigh went through our yard!" I was totally in amazement. But topper of a Christmas mystery was our Christmas tree being lit without being plugged in--- it still baffles me. Over two thousand years ago another mystic Christmas happened, the birth of Jesus. Even though a mystery surrounded the birth, many knew the Christ child had been born as the lowly shepherds understood to come and honor the Holy Sheperd; the Wise Men realized his significance of his birth and followed the star bringing lavish gifts for new born King; and the Angels sang with certainty praises of glory to the new born Prince of Peace as the star of Bethlehem shined brightly on His Holy Face. Truly a significant night for the world. Just as my father made my Christmas memorable, so did our Heavenly Father when the tiny babe named Jesus was born in a manger. Let us rejoice and exclaim "Joy to the world, the Lord has come." MERRY CHRISTMAS

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

As my daughter celebrates her 30th Birthday and Emerson and Laura their 5th Anniversary, I wish them happiness, peace and love forever!

As my daughter Laura celebrates her 30th Birthday and Emerson and Laura their 5th Wedding Anniversary, I wish them happiness, peace and love forever!

I Just Want to Hold Your Hand One More Time
                       You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.
                                                               Psalm 139:13
It was the night before David and I were returning to Seabrook Island SC for a long weekend and I had retired to bed with a spring storm stirring in the area ---- the lightning was eerie and bright and the thunder booming every split second.  A soft knock came on my door and a sweet but scared voice that I had heard so many times spoke: “Mom can I come in and lay in bed with you?”  Laura never liked storms and so many times in her twenty- five years, she would end up in my room to ride the storm out and this night was no exception.  Laura and I lay there and I held her hand reassuring her that this storm will quickly pass, we didn’t say much to each other as our hands and hearts did all the talking.  As I lay there I began thinking about all the times I had held her hand, beginning in the hospital, holding micro tiny premature hands with tiny spaghetti like fingers that barely wrapped around my little finger. I thought about all the other storms and joys of her life: struggling with her academics in high school but making dean’s list at Purdue, not making volleyball team but making the tennis team, disagreements with friends but making new friends while at Purdue and of course the broken romances that brought so many tears.  I also reflected on the long nights when she was diagnosed with kidney cancer and the recovery after surgery how she clung to my hand for strength and support.  Little did she realize she was the very one I was clinging to for my strength and support.

As a mother God gave me the most special gift of all--- giving birth to a child that I loved, protected and gave her the gift of development and maturity.  I had to trust that God formed her very being from the beginning. He knows her path and will guide and direct her through out her adult life.  It was and (is) my job and responsibility to be obedient to God in unfolding this special human being her not only holding her hand but also her heart too.

As the storm quickly passed, Laura let go of my hand and as she did, it occurred to me that I may never have to hold her hand again through a thunderstorm because in a short while she will be married and Emerson will be the one to hold her hand through the all the storms of her life.  As a tiny teardrop formed in my eye, and I lay there absorbing this moment--- I realized that my very hope is that Emerson will not only hold her hand but also her heart forever. TOTT
May 14, 2009

May God bless you and keep you safe. May the ocean of life always be calm and may you always believe in miracles even the small one. Amen

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God.


                                                          God Speaks Loudly
Psalms 46:10
Be Still and Know that I am God
This is a rainy, foggy and cool day, but must I live up to my promise that no matter what I will walk the beach every day.  This day will be no exception.  For some reason walking the beach in the fog, cold and mist is very different than walking in the fog, cold and mist in Midwest, here I don’t seem to mind it.  Today I reflect on the fact that I am hearing God speak to me loudly but what is He saying, do I hear it correctly? What in the world does He want me to do with His Word? Confusion, turmoil, restlessness and questions without answers abide in my soul.  How do I restore my soul? How do I soothe my anxiety? How do I begin to search for the answers?  How do I maintain my health? I want answers and I want answers right now! Wow this day has brought out so much in my being.  Is this the cleansing of my soul? Where do I begin my new journey?

Throughout the Old Testament, God spoke clearly to His followers but not without sending them out into the wilderness to search for the answers and to purify their souls.  Moses was sent wandering in the wilderness, Abraham faith was tested, Jonah had to live in big fish and Noah had to float in a Huge boat with many animals for many days!  God spoke loudly to these men and expected them to “Be Still” and know He was God.

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God. Did you pray before the decision was made or listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to you? I believe that God speaks through His people not only in ancient times but He speaks loudly today. A person may be placed in your life revealing to you the answer your have been seeking or in silence and prayer the clear answer may come to you. All you must do is to be still and listen--- Are you listening?

This rainy day walk was exactly what I required to see clearly and hear what God wants me to do.  Who would have imagined that God would use a rainy foggy and cold day for me to see more clearly? TOTT

Prayer: Lord may I plant my life in Thee so deeply and firmly that whatever changes life brings, my life can continue uninterrupted, strong, bearing fruit for You. May every decision and hope find its growth in Thee. 
 (Daily Family Devotions *)
 Copy write by daily family org.

Commitment for today: Pray and quietly listen for God’s response. It will come to you; Trust Him.

Monday, July 14, 2014

The ocean is a constant occurrence of high tides, low tides --- much like life itself.

The Ocean

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

I send you greetings from Seabrook Island, South Carolina where I am blessed to live.  This is one of my favorite places on earth where the ocean is constantly glittering like diamonds afloat and the dolphins gleefully glide through the surf playing the game “Where will I surface next!” The Sea Gulls laugh out loud providing entertaining music from the air and the Pelican formations are a sight to be seen as they gracefully soar over the waves. One can't over look the fascinating Skimmers as they glide skillfully just over the water for the catch of the day.  As each wave laps in, it forever reconstructs the seascape --- shifting the sand to new formations and bringing in a constant pattern of change. The ocean is a constant occurrence of high tides, low tides --- much like life itself.

Life too, is filled with eddies that create modifications of our very being. We ride the high tides in our life that make us feel like one could walk on water but unfortunately in life we also experience riptides where we literally feel ourselves drowning.  During this time we may feel as if the sand is shifting underfoot or the undercurrent of the water is pulling us swiftly out to sea.  So what do you do when the sand shifts and the undercurrent is sweeping off your feet?

  You worship passionately! First you pray for the Holy Spirit to be your advocate uplifting and guiding you to solid ground. Second, you believe in the Grace of God knowing that He alone is the source of strength that will bring peace and serenity to your soul.  Third, be cognizant of the Grace given to you through accepting Jesus Christ as your Saviour. In His death and resurrection you are offered forgiveness of your sins so you may have eternal life. The "Good News" is God loves each unique human being: He loves you no matter what!  TOTT

May the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord makes his face shine upon you and give you grace.  The Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Amen

Commitment for today: Is it time to start seeking the power of the Trinity? Is it time to stop rejecting the promises offer through Christ? If so, act upon it.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Laura Krumwiede Scott remembers 1st Lt Joel Gentz on the anniversary of his death.

In remembrance of 1st Lt Joel Gentz
Who served the United States Air Force Proudly

Written by Laura Krumwiede Scott

As Life happens, there are many times that make you say, “Wow I have to be strong and I have to get through this one.” In my life there have been many occurrences that made me grow up. Most of the hard times I held my mother’s hand through it but this particular time I was the one holding a hand to give strength.

My best friend, Kathryn lost her husband in the Afghanistan War only a month after Joel was deployed.  It was such a heartache and so painful to hear that he had died. As soon as I heard I wanted to be with Kathryn and hold her hand to give her strength.  I realized that she was surrounded by people who loved her and people who would comfort her.  My time to be with her would come.

Flying to Indiana for the funeral was surreal trying to realize a friend had been killed and it was Kathryn’s husband. I was anxious as I wondered IF I had the strength to be strong for her through this awful time. I wondered if I would fall apart when I saw her---I didn’t want to do that! I wanted to be strong. I had to be brave as she took me to buy her dress; to make decisions about the funeral; and to sit and talk about all the memories.  I didn’t think about the funeral I just knew I had to remain steady through it for Kathryn. I was very honored to sit next to Kathryn in the front row of her husband’s funeral. She had tons of supportive people around her but she chose me.

I remember sitting in the front row staring at the coffin covered by an American flag and listening to the song that had been sung just two years prior at their wedding. There were no words I could say just simply hold the widow’s hand and so I did.  I held it through the service, the playing of “Taps,” “Amazing Grace” and through the slide show of Joel’s life on earth. I knew my presence wasn’t what she really wanted; she wanted her husband’s hand.

There are many people going through different struggles some big and some small. Regardless of the severity of the problems, people need someone to “hold their hand.” People need to realize that sometimes to get through a situation one must have support.  Seek out friends, family or even counseling to get you through hard times.

Yes, Kathryn has moved on with her life but with much support from family, friends and even strangers as she tries to sort out the death of her husband, trying to understand the senseless of his death. May God bring peace to us all.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014