Wednesday, December 16, 2015

A Magical Christmas

Luke: 2:1-20 The birth of Jesus My father loved Christmas and made it his passion to make it as magical as he could for my sister and me. The were various ways he sprinkled wonderment on our Christmas. The first one I remember was sleigh tracks through our yard. As we awoke, he exclaimed, "Look Santa's sleigh went through our yard!" I was totally in amazement. But topper of a Christmas mystery was our Christmas tree being lit without being plugged in--- it still baffles me. Over two thousand years ago another mystic Christmas happened, the birth of Jesus. Even though a mystery surrounded the birth, many knew the Christ child had been born as the lowly shepherds understood to come and honor the Holy Sheperd; the Wise Men realized his significance of his birth and followed the star bringing lavish gifts for new born King; and the Angels sang with certainty praises of glory to the new born Prince of Peace as the star of Bethlehem shined brightly on His Holy Face. Truly a significant night for the world. Just as my father made my Christmas memorable, so did our Heavenly Father when the tiny babe named Jesus was born in a manger. Let us rejoice and exclaim "Joy to the world, the Lord has come." MERRY CHRISTMAS

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