Tuesday, August 5, 2014

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God.


                                                          God Speaks Loudly
Psalms 46:10
Be Still and Know that I am God
This is a rainy, foggy and cool day, but must I live up to my promise that no matter what I will walk the beach every day.  This day will be no exception.  For some reason walking the beach in the fog, cold and mist is very different than walking in the fog, cold and mist in Midwest, here I don’t seem to mind it.  Today I reflect on the fact that I am hearing God speak to me loudly but what is He saying, do I hear it correctly? What in the world does He want me to do with His Word? Confusion, turmoil, restlessness and questions without answers abide in my soul.  How do I restore my soul? How do I soothe my anxiety? How do I begin to search for the answers?  How do I maintain my health? I want answers and I want answers right now! Wow this day has brought out so much in my being.  Is this the cleansing of my soul? Where do I begin my new journey?

Throughout the Old Testament, God spoke clearly to His followers but not without sending them out into the wilderness to search for the answers and to purify their souls.  Moses was sent wandering in the wilderness, Abraham faith was tested, Jonah had to live in big fish and Noah had to float in a Huge boat with many animals for many days!  God spoke loudly to these men and expected them to “Be Still” and know He was God.

How many times have you gone astray because you were relying on your own self-reliance instead of taking your troubles to God. Did you pray before the decision was made or listen for the Holy Spirit to speak to you? I believe that God speaks through His people not only in ancient times but He speaks loudly today. A person may be placed in your life revealing to you the answer your have been seeking or in silence and prayer the clear answer may come to you. All you must do is to be still and listen--- Are you listening?

This rainy day walk was exactly what I required to see clearly and hear what God wants me to do.  Who would have imagined that God would use a rainy foggy and cold day for me to see more clearly? TOTT

Prayer: Lord may I plant my life in Thee so deeply and firmly that whatever changes life brings, my life can continue uninterrupted, strong, bearing fruit for You. May every decision and hope find its growth in Thee. 
 (Daily Family Devotions *)
 Copy write by daily family org.

Commitment for today: Pray and quietly listen for God’s response. It will come to you; Trust Him.